Monday, January 9, 2012

The Fencing Project

I have been working on my fencing for so long that it seems to me it should be equal to Hadrian's wall by now. But it isn't. It is a well measured, hopefully, well thought out, electric fence. It isn't intended to stay electric. Some parts will someday have cattle panels on them and then a hedge growing over them. Some sections will be replaced by wattle. If I could lay my hands on it, some sections would even be taken over by guardrail cable such as you find along the interstate. Sometimes you just have to say... good enough is good enough. At least, for now.

I am offering this prologue, I suppose, as an apology for my fence. An explanation before you look at it. I have promised myself that I will go out and get some video of my fence. Video is so much easier then photos to manage, but not to worry, there will be no wacky antics. No cats being interesting.... no toddlers... no men getting hit in the crotch. Just a fence, hopefully behaving itself.

Now when I look at my fence I marvel that it took me so long. Granted, over half of the holes I dug by hand. And last summer got so hot it wasn't safe to work outdoors oftentimes, but still, I look at it and think there should be more. I tell myself that it often takes three times longer to do things by myself. To bad I don't listen to myself when I am making excuses.

Well, that's it for apologies and excuses. Later today I will go take some video. Get it posted to youtube and then come back here and add the link. Then you can look at it and say, "That's all she has been moaning about for all these months?!!!" After adding the link, I'll probably apologize more. I know, I know, I apologize too much and it's irritating, but check back later and hopefully once links are added, you will be forgiving and just maybe, one or two of you might even be impressed...... maybe.


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