Friday, March 2, 2012

Right Now

We have had a bit of a whirlwind of stressful activities again. Mac's oncologist visit. Dr. Hiatt seems fairly well content with everything, but he did increase the potency of the hydrocortisone cream that Mac is using on his graft vs. host. There is always the fear that something will happen... some unseen evil will manifest itself and Dr. Hiatt will send Mac away to Iowa City. We live in fear of Iowa City.

On the heels of the doctor visit was paying this months bills. Always stressful. Always causes a great deal of adrenaline, which in turn makes me think that fist fights are a good thing. Two days and multiple chest pains later, I am right as rain. We have these things behind us and I can concentrate on right now.

Right now it is snowing. It doesn't seem to be accumulating and the huge flakes are dancing around, swirling. Very much like being a part of a snow globe. Right now I am reading a book on beekeeping and hopefully, I will soon be building my first hive boxes. And now, daughter Kate and I are planning what pickles and jams we will be canning this spring. I'm also trying to decide on some new sewing projects, now that the bedroom curtains are done. They are temporarily hung. I will have to buy the curtain rods when we get past the expense of heating the house. For now they are strung up on baling twine. Not the most attractive, but it gets the job done, none the less.... cheap and cheerful.

Now, I am glad that I saw my first meadowlark. A cheerful reminder that spring is just inches away.

Money will be incredibly tight this month with taxes and insurance due but for right now, this moment, things are pretty good. I'm just going to take some time and enjoy it.


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