Friday, June 27, 2014

Funk Prevention

Sometimes it is inevitable that a person get in a bit of a funk.  It has been a personal problem for the last couple of weeks for me.  But I don;t like feeling depressed.  Some people are wallowers, who just relish their tragedies.  I can't go there.  I try to discuss it, then make a plan, then pummel the problem to death.

First I take vitamins.  Not multi-vitamins.  They make me vomit and I don't like that.  So, I try to take some decent vitamins that keep my immune system working.  Then I move on with making plans.  I have all kinds of plans.  Some as simple as my many to-do lists.  Some are more fantastical, like how would I go about spending my lotto winnings.  Lotto plans are broken up by amount.  For instance, should I win the five thousand dollar amount... I would just be stuck paying bills.  That's sad so I go ahead and figure out what I would do if I won twenty thousand.  Now I have something to work with!  All bills would be paid off.  Hooray!  Then I could buy the extra stuff I would need to build all my little outbuildings, like the little barn, the chicken coop, hopefully the garage.  And I would buy my little tractor.  The little Huskvarna garden tractor with a cart, rake, box grader and an aerator for the hay field.  Ahhh!  Luxury!

If I won the one hundred thousand dollar lotto, I would do all of the above.  I would also have a savings account.  I would be able to give money to my kids.  I would fill the L.P. tank....FULL!  I would hire some help putting in my orchard and fencing.  Then I would probably top that off by putting up a hoop house to guarantee my ability to garden over a longer season.  What fun!

If I won a million?  All of the above plus pay off my mortgage.  Pay off my kids' mortgages.  I could give money away.

But sometimes I can't make it into town to buy a lotto ticket to cheer myself up with, so I make other plans.  On the practical side, I plan more horse fencing.  On the impractical side, I plan zombie proof fencing.  I draw more floor plans for  my tiny houses.  Little houses that I will never build..... but for some reason, they make me incredibly happy, and they only cost me paper and pencil.  No lotto winnings required for that.

My big plans for today?  I think I want to spend a little time and get out and take some pictures.  Then I need to weed the blueberries.  I have another blueberry plant to put in the ground and some purple leaf sand cherries that need to go into larger containers.  It'll be a good day.  At least, that's the plan.


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